CeREC Photos

CeREC News - Bản tin CeREC


Watershed forest in Quan Ba District, Ha Giang province habours the second largest population of Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (TSM). However, this population is facing with high danger of extinction. One of the most significant threats to the population is a habitat degradation and disturbance by local residents (Nguyen Xuan Dang...

 The 8-th Asian Primate Symposium was held in Hanoi, Vietnam from the 13th to the 16th of November 2022. This event, the largest of its kind in Asia, provided primate experts and stakeholders with a vibrant social environment where they can share their findings, views, and ideas regarding diverse topics,...

Quan Ba population of Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (TSM) is the second largest population of this IUCN critically endangered species. However, the population is currently facing high pressure of hunting and forest degradation. Recognizing the conservation education as very important tool to change attitude of local villagers from hunting to conservation...

 Pumat NP is a priority area for conservation of wild Asian Elephant in Vietnam. However, the elephants cause serious human - elephant conflict (HEC) in its buffer zone. Local communities have no experience of HEC mitigation. The Community Elephant Protection Teams have been established but have not been properly...

THE TONKIN SNUB-NOSED MONKEY Rhinopithecus avunculus POPULATION IN THE QUAN BA FOREST, NORTH-EAST VIETNAM: AN IDENTIFICATION OF PRIORITY HABITAT FOR CONSERVATION By Nguyen Xuan Dang, Nguyen Xuan Nghia, and Pham Van The  ABSTRACTRhinopithecus avunculus The Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey Rhinopithecus avunculus is among the World’s 25 most endangered primates. At present, the species is found...

Species Conersevation and Protected Areas

Indochinese Gray Lagur - Voọc xám đông dương

About Indochinese Gray Langur: Indochinese Gray Lagur Trachypithecus crepusculus is found from Central and Northwest Thailand to Yunnam in China, East to southwestern Laos and Northern Vietnam (Groves 2001). This taxon was formerly classified as a subspecies of the Phayrei's langur Trachypithecus phayrei crepusculus.However recent genetic data suggest that the taxon...
The Saola - Sao la

    The Saola Pseudoryx nghetinhensis was seleted as CeREC's flagship species. CeREC carries out Saola ecologilocal studies and Saola conservation actions with the aim to secure long-term survival of this "inspiring" species. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dang, Deputy Director of CeREC has been a member of the Saola Working...
Asian Elephant - Voi châu Á

  Figure 1. Elephant in Cashew Plantation in buffer zone of Dong Nai Nature and Cultural Reserve (Photo: Nguyen Hoang Hao) Status of Asian Elephant in Vietnam: Asian elephant Elephas maximus is one of the most endangered large animals in the Earth. The species is ranked at endangered (EN) in IUCN Red...
Phát hiện đầu tiên về loài Chuột đá trường sơn Laonastes aenigmamus tại Việt Nam - The first country records of Laotian rock rat in Vietnam

  Vào những năm 1996-1999, hai nhà khoa học gồm M.F. Robinson và R.J. Timmins đã thu được 12 mẫu của một loài thú gậm nhấm lạ có tên địa phương là "Kha nượu" bày bán ở các chợ thuộc huyện Thà Khẹt, tỉnh Khăm Muộn. Phân tích các đặc điểm...
Paphiopedilum rungsuriyanum, a new slipper orchid species discovered in Northern Lao - Phát hiện một loài lan hài mới rất đẹp ở Bắc Lào

 PHÁT HIỆN MỘT LOÀI LAN HÀI MỚI RẤT ĐẸP Ở BẮC LÀO [Xem >>] A grower Niwat RUNGRUANG from Thailand received a number of small orchid plants from North Lao under the name of Paphiopedium canhii and when the plants came to bloom in May 2014, he realized that these Paphs...
A new species Hoya hanhiae (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Central Vietnam - Phát hiện loài Cẩm cù hạnh Hoya hanhiae mới cho khoa học

PHÁT HIỆN LOÀI CẨM CÙ HẠNH MỚI CHO KHOA HỌC [Xem>>]  Hoya R. Br. (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) consists of over 200 species that occur in tropical South-East Asia, tropical islands of Pacific Ocean, and Queensland. Of which, twenty four species were reported from Vietnam up to now. During recent field trip,...

Conservation Programs - Các chương trình bảo tồn

Laotian Rock Rat conservation programme

Ecological study and Conservation of Laotian rock rat population in Phong Nha - Ke Bang Area, Central Vietnam Chương trình nghiên cứu đặc điểm sinh thái và bảo tồn quần thể Chuột đá trường sơn tại Phong Nha - Kẻ Bàng, Việt Nam Introduction Laotian Rock Rat (LRR) Laonestes aenigmamus was first...
Monitoring the fish communities and fisheries in the Ma River system under the Trung Son hydropower Project

Introduction Construction of Trung Son Hydropower Plant (Trung Son HP) on Ma River was started on 24 November 2012. The Construction is located in Trung Son Commune, Quan Hoa District, Thanh Hoa Province. Trung Son HP has capacity of 260 MW and anual electric production of 1018,6 GWh . Trung...
Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey Conservation Programme

TONKIN SNUB-NOSED MONKEY CONSERVATION PROGRAMME CHƯƠNG TRÌNH BẢO TỒN VOỌC MŨI HẾCH TẠI HÀ GIANG Introduction: Tonkin snub-nosed monkey (TSM) is only found in Vietnam. They are Vietnam’s largest primate species and have a very distinctive look that is almost comical due to the upturned nose, tufted ears, pale blue rimmed eyes, thick,...